Emerging Value in AI — C10Labs & MGMT Event — 20th Aug 24

By Jean Luc Juste

It was truly an evening to remember, where I got to meet my most favourite people in the Boston area! Entrepreneurs, Advisers, C10Labs Team, the Cohort 2 at C10, and hearing some of the Cohort 2 team founders present to the audience!

Also in the audience was Chris Gardner, General Partner at Underscore VC, whom I admire a lot, as he has fintech background, and its hard to fintech core fintech people in Boston, or maybe I am just not connected with all of them! https://www.linkedin.com/in/ccgardner/

Matt Crane, founder of MGMT Club Boston, opened the event, talking about role of AI and Boston as a place to be to build AI-focused start-ups.

Opening Speech By Shahid Azim, Co-founder & CEO of C10Labs: What stands out the most, was of course, the opening presentation by Shahid Azim, the Co-founder and CEO of C10Labs, and my Business Adviser at TitanPayAI (also my instructor at MIT when I took the AI4Impact course at MIT Media Lab, where I got inspired by AI Revolution and got connected with so many people in the industry!). https://www.linkedin.com/in/sazim/

Intersectionality of LLM, AI & Proprietary Data: Shahid talked about the use of AI as a core to enable solving for problems in industry, which would otherwise take a lot of time and effort to solve. One of the key slides was the intersectionality of AI, LLM and Proprietary Industry Data, which can create “wisdom” for businesses such that the people/users would find value for which they would be willing to pay.

Exact case for TitanPayAI’s RFI Solution: This is truly the case for TitanPayAI, in the case of our Request For Information (RFI) solution. We have deep extertise in Banking, and know this specific cross-border payment process, which is currently manually handled by bank’s operations staff, which delays payments and causes customer pain, and we have insights into how AI can automate this completely. At Titan, we are building an AI model/LLM, which is 98% accurate, and over time, as we get more proprietary data from our banking partners, our AI gets more advanced, and we can solve this problem with near perfection! Our solution will seamlessly integrate with bank’s back-end operations softwares, and this will become an essential need for all the banks globally, and we see clear network effects, as International payments are same 100% globally, for all banks! https://titanpay.ai/

Founders with Deep Industry Knowledge, and using AI to solve for Specific Use case, vertically, will succeed: Shahid also talked about their belief that its the founders, who have deep industry expertise, who see a problem that they know really well, and want to leverage AI to solve that specific use case, in that specific vertical, that they believe will succeed in this age of AI. Luckily, Shahid gave my example to the audience, the fact that I was Head of Payments at a Global Bank, know this specific use case of RFI delays really well, and within this payment chain, I am solving for a specific problem, which is faced by all banks globally, and using AI to solve it!

After a great and insightful presentation by Shahid, we had three amazing teams from Cohort 2 of C10Labs present their vision to the audience.

First was PolicyMind, an MIT team, focusing on how AI can help Policy Makers make better decisions! https://policymind.ai/

Portia Lane Child, an Executive MBA 2025, presented to the audienace, and shared how their AI driven solution makes it easier for policy makers in Government to make better policies and decisions. It was a great presentation and very effective delivery!

Nurture Genomics: We then had Hans Keil, CEO and Co-founder of Nurture Genomics, talk about the need to pre-screen chilren in early age for genetic conditions. https://nurturegenomics.com/about-us/

Nurture Genomics has already raised $3.5Mn, and has a fantastic team behind it, that is experienced, passionate, and dedicated to make the impact in the world. Its great to be part of such an excellent cohort, and have people like Hans as my peers at C10Labs!

Moneyball: Next we had Julia Whippo, Co-founder & CEO of Moneyball, which is an AI Powered insights tool for early stage investors and founders. What Julia and her team is doing is amazing, and as a founder, I can testify to the need of such a platform, which can allow founders and investors to connect with people that a right fit for them, and takeaway the pain in the process! https://www.moneyball.ai/

Overall it was a great night, where we networked and talked about solving the problems in the worls, and how AI can expedite that problem-solving journey.

It was great to meet Matt Crane, founder of MGMT Boston Operators Club, who helped co-organize this event along with C10Labs. https://mgmtboston.com/about/