Thank you to Ali Mahmoud, Elizabeth Hilfrank & the rest of the Glasswing team for hosting the MGMT Boston Operators Club last Thursday to talk about 2025 AI Predictions.
And thank you to Ries McQuillan from Baker Tilly for moderating our panel & sponsoring the event with two extremely talented builders, Adrianna Gugel (Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder @ Flux) and Sharon Roth (Senior Director Product Management @ Quanitified.ai).
We broke out the crystal balls, red and green ones, to talk about what we thought was likely and unlikely to happen in 2025 when it comes to AI.
Ali and Glasswing are excited about AI-driven workflow automation. Adriana views AI in 2025 as the evolution from a tool for analysis to “the most amazing intern” next year. And Sharon is excited about how AI can help continue to unlock human potential, enhancing the performance of teams in 2025. Here are some other takeaways..
- AI is not a bubble
- In 2025 (and beyond) the question is whether AI applications can operate at “intern” level or “CEO” level
- AI is part of the solution, not the whole thing
- Bigger companies are likely to acquire AI startups in 2025, particularly those who have struggled to build AI into their own platforms
- Companies want employees using AI, so if you don’t you might have a problem keeping your job long term. Make it a strength!
- Teams will be smaller but preserving unique creativity is essential. With AI alone, you’ll look like everyone else
- One of the barriers to mass adoption is trust. Until the data is more unbiased, this will be a challenge
- The most interesting modality for 2025? Sharon thinks video. Ali & Adriana went with voice.
And no, there will not be a 1 person unicorn company in 2025!