Emerging Value in AI with C10 Labs

Thank you to C10 Labs for hosting us last week to talk about Emerging Value in AI.

This is a technology that could contribute $15.7T to the global economy by 2030 from PWC’s 2023 AI report (src).

Our main takeaway? The Emerging Value in AI lies in intersectional use cases that combine..

  1. Top Teams
  2. Unique / Proprietary Datasets
  3. Domain Expertise 

….to build enduring solutions.

AI might be looked back on as a buzzword like “.com” or “SaaS”. It’s a huge, wide, and deep platform evolution that will give company builders newer and better tools to transform industries. If anything, AI is a set of tools (LLMs, vector databases, etc.) that will let you go faster and build more unique products & platforms to win your customers’ “jobs to be done”.

In 32 use cases C10 Labs Studio has analyzed over their first two cohorts, there have been over $4.4T of market opportunity identified with a focus at the intersection of AI and Life Sciences, Banking, Climatech, and more. The C10 Studio team is focused on building a discerning process to evaluate these opportunities, activate a platform ecosystem around these teams, and build corporate partnerships to scale their companies even faster across Applied AI (Applications, Software Platforms, and Tailored ML) and “Dimensional AI” opportunities. 

We have already seen an avalanche of “beach head” AI tools built to increase efficiency for customer operations, marketing & sales, and software engineering. The data suggests that AGI could be 8 years away, with each progressive forecast compressing that timeline.

One of our Operators Club members, Aniketh Mohanty, asked a very prescient question: “If the technology is now ready in a specific industry, how do you know the industry is ready to receive it?” Adoption curves are likely to get steeper but adoption rates will differ by industry. The more time you have to build an enduring solution, in the face of less competition, will certainly impact the chances of winning markets.

We were also lucky enough to hear from three C10 Labs teams from this past summer cohort building at the intersection of AI and their respective verticals:

  • Nurture Genomics – empowers proactive parents to uncover hidden health risks in their children through AI-powered genomic insights. (Thanks Hans Keil!)
  • Moneyball.ai leverages human-centric AI to align early-stage investors and founders. By delivering critical insights into startups and teams through non-intrusive engagement (we’re anti-forms), we enable both sides to make data-informed decisions, to connect with the right people at the right time (Thanks Julia Whippo!)
  • PolicyMind – empowering policymakers to create better policies for better lives, sustainable futures, and exponential impact (Thanks Portia Lane Child!)

If you’re interested in learning more about C10 Labs.. 

  • Fall cohort applications are now open for early stage AI-First ventures. 
  • C10 Labs is presenting their Summer cohort graduates at an AI Showcase on October 1. If people want to be included, they can reach out directly to David Berlin (david@c10labs.com)

Thank you to David Berlin, Shahid Azim, and the rest of the C10 Labs team for the entertainment & education. An exciting time to be building in Boston!